I have always been a bit manicure obsessed. And when the gel trend surfaced a few years ago I jumped right on board. Pre pregnancy I had my own personal rule: no back to back shellac. I felt the need to let my nails breathe a little and not commit to paying for a manicure every two- three weeks.
All that has gone right out the window as the past three months I have been all about keeping my nails nice and neat. Having my nails done makes me feel put together even when I might look like a freak show! Plus, I find that the little personal time at the salon is something I can look forward to. It is also fun as the ladies at my neighborhood salon have fun seeing me grow over the weeks.
My personal manicure of choice is the half moon manicure. I choose various colors and designs and fortunately the salon I frequent is always open to trying new designs with me. What I love about the half moon is that it grows out really well. I don't have to get a new manicure for at least three weeks. It definitely makes the manicure and gel worthwhile. The half moon grows out evenly and in my opinion looks good for weeks.
See some of my latest favorites below. I'm planning that once the kid arrives I still sneak away for some 'madre time' at the nail salon. Fortunately it's just out the door from our house so my trips can be quick!
xx Ly