new look


My bff, who I wrote about in my last post, strongly suggested that it was about time I made it official on Making la Madre. As of today you can find me on MAKING LA MADRE DOT COM! I took out my debit card and bought this domain. It was painless, almost too easy.

As this month celebrates three years of blogging and sharing stories as a freaked out pregnant woman, innocent new mother, and now a complete crazy person juggling a nearly three year old boy, four year marriage, amazing extended family and a tornado of a job. My life is a mess but I wouldn't change a thing- aside from the fact that I am obsessed with doing a dwell style makeover of our house and finding a few more days for vacation or staycations. But its all a work in progress and the people in my life are what make me the happiest.

I will be taking some time to transfer the content from the last three years onto this new domain. If you are new here you can go back to my old site to catch up.

More to come. xx