holiday decor

anthro christmas stockings

With Christmas 16 days away we are just beginning to decorate our house. It is our first year living in our house in time to decorate for Christmas so there is a lot to figure out and determine when it comes to decor. Our household is on the minimal side when it comes to decorating for the holidays, we try our best to keep it classy. This weekend we will get a tree, hopefully put up a wreath on the front door, change out the white cafe lights on the front porch to colored lights and I have already put up a sweet little DIY garland from Target that reads Merry Christmas above the fireplace so things are beginning to look festive. The one thing missing from our decorations is stockings. We both have a pair of stockings at my parents and at my in laws but those stay there for our visits on Christmas morning and Christmas day.

With the little one coming soon I feel an extra desire to figure out what stockings we use for ourselves and eventualy use for years to come as a family. I have checked multiple sites: target, anthro, etsy etc. But nothing has jumped out as a must buy. I might just wait til after the holidays when they are hopefully on sale, or maybe I DIY something. I saw a cute tutorial that takes an old sweater and turns it into a stocking. I really like some vintage ones I found on ebay too. The one pictured above (from Anthro) I really like but the $54 price tag is a bit steep.

Would love to know what stockings you use and where you have found great ones!


xx Ly