Growing up Valentine's was my favorite day at school. It combined kindness, arts & crafts and treats. What is not to love- pun intended.
This year with Mario in pre school he was tasked with creating some Valentine's for his classmates. I was a mix of excited and overwhelmed by the task at hand. It is a big motherhood milestone: making Valentine's cards with my kid, celebrating Valentine's day for the first time in a real way.
I must note that I was late to the party in discovering the fact that we had to create Valentines so it was a bit of a scramble. Did we DIY something? Scoop something from the supermarket? Or better yet get something custom designed on Minted or one of the other online card makers? Side note: I am still in shock that the Valentine industry has evolved to a place where personalized gold foil photo cards for elementary school kids is a real life thing.
I will let you take a guess at what we ended up passing out for his classmates and cousins...
I was extremely impressed (miffed, eye roll) with the amount of thought and creativity with the Valentines I have seen on IG thus far. WOW, how is this real? I am happy to report now, after going thru Mario's Valentine box that we got maybe one 'pinterest' inspired Valentine. The rest were your run of the mill Target/ super market cardboard. Phew!
So we made some Valentines, played some music and crafted our little hearts out. We ended up picking up some cute options from our local super market. An array of sunshines, clouds, rainbows and stars that had a minimal DIY element. Very very cute. We glued google eyes and sunglasses and lips onto the faces and Mario went to town drawing on the cards after I addressed each of them: TO: MY FRIEND FROM: MARIO
I look forward to the next few years of Valentines crafts with the boy. We will see where next year takes us. As for plans tonight... We have none. Mike is on day 15 of a 17 day business trip in LA, I have been solo parenting all month (yes tons of help from my mom and we got to squeeze in a trip to LA over the weekend to see Mike). I think I am just gonna make myself some dinner and pour myself some vino.
Happy Valentine's Day. Hope you feel the love, big HUG from me and thanks for reading.