How are you doing?
It is Friday March 13th, 2020. FRIDAY THE 13TH, shit I just put that together. Our Nation has just declared a state of emergency.
I am not an alarmist. I let things roll off my back. I don’t take much too seriously and I am optimistic. But today, right now, I am anxious. I am feeling overwhelmed and uneasy. So let’s talk about it.
Yesterday, sun shining pre panic.
Coming back from Mexico last weekend was some extreme culture shock! Spending a week in blue waters with swaying palm trees above and riviera breezes on my bare shoulders was a completely different world, place and time compared to what I returned to.
From Mexico the American news cycle that I caught while passing the TV in the living room en route to the pool at my in-laws house was mostly focused on politics. Super Tuesday, Warren, Bloomberg, Biden & Bernie. Minimal updates related to Coronovirus were penetrating our airwaves. I was occupying my time differently, with a book in hand poolside or strolling charming dirt streets.
I was not completely immune to the panic taking place at home. Hand sanitizer was a much discussed topic on the text threads with friends as was other preventative measures. I muted most of those convos and did not bother ordering toilet paper, hand sanitizer or any other items to stockpile so they would be waiting on our doorstep upon our return. In retrospect though, I wish I had ordered some hand sanitizer spray as that has become my preferred route when washing my hands is not an option. Cest la vie!
Since Monday things have escalated in ways I don’t think any of us could have anticipated. Personally, the NBA season suspension is what made this thing go from just something to HOLY SHIT THIS IS BIG. It has been overwhelming hearing of the rolling closures of schools, companies mandating work from home, events cancelled etcetera. The implementation of ‘social distancing’ and self quarantining as preventative measures make me uneasy. And with work from home and school closures starting next week for us, I feel like I have pre onset cabin fever! What is this social butterfly to do!?
This morning I caught my self mid sentence when speaking with Mario choosing not to tell him that his school was shutting down but instead that he was getting an early spring break and that we got to do some home school for fun. I think that made us both feel better. In response to my panic I am choosing to mandate a few rules for myself and ultimately our family. My friend Nicole referenced the next two weeks as a ‘staycation’ and I am going to choose that mindset too.
A few other things I am implementing to help with this transition:
LIMITING SOCIAL MEDIA Last night at 9pm I put my phone down. Muted all notifications and decided I was not gonna look at Instagram. So much of what I am getting thru social media and threads is an echo chamber of panic. Yes some good and uplifting info is in there but it feels like a lot of noise. As of today I have decided to limit my time on the app each day & only use during certain ‘downtime’ hours. Updates to come on how that goes :)
LIMITING TV NEWS while we get lots of information from the news they are also trying to fill a demand and schedule and pace of information that is just too much. I don’t need a panel of 10 experts debating for an hour each day or multimedia maps. I honestly think that cable news is not helpful right now. Fortunately our TV is in the basement so it is rarely on. I am going to limit our tv consumption to rom coms & educational shows. Bring on the LOLs.
STAY INFORMED but in doses. I am only going to read about the news from sources I trust. Like I mentioned above, no TV news. Podcasts are ok and welcome. The Atlantic is offering free access to all of their pandemic coverage and has a great article about do’s and dont’s for social distancing, thanks for sharing Liz!!!
KEEP A SCHEDULE Mandatory outdoor family recess is going to be a thing over here. As well as divvying up our parenting duties with Momo so Mike and I can focus on work when we need to. But also give Mario structured time for school type activities. Send any tips or projects please!!!
ENJOY THE TIME TOGETHER Coming off of six weeks of sabbatical, which has been mostly family time and lots of bonding time with Mike, I was in a way looking forward to more routine and going back to the office refreshed & ready to jump back in! Two plus more weeks of staying at home is honestly going to be difficult. But I know that keeping a positive outlook and making time for some fun as a family will be really important to this experience. So gonna have the goal of setting aside fun time each day too. Also take the time to call a friend across the country or around the world. Check in on your people. Talk & listen to each other.
I know there are a lot of other things to do and concerns out there. Our economy, my 90 year old grandparents health, small business’ staying afloat, kids who rely on school for food and safety, etc. It feels like really bleak times. These above things have helped me in the last 24 hours grasp where we are right now. I know the precautions we are taking are for the greater good and while they seem extreme are important to keeping us all healthy. And on the bright side Spring is really poppin’ out there. I have so many blooms out my window and I am grateful for this time to continue to slow down and watch it all happen out my window.
More thoughts and run on sentences to come. I am sure of it. Please share any other thoughts, ideas or ways you are helping yourself, your friends, your family deal with this right now.
Xx Ly