As you may have read, Thanksgiving break was a bit overwhelming for me. The extended periods of 'mom mode' are daunting, especially two full weeks. Full post here.

This time around, instead of complaining on the back end of the holiday, I have decided to be proactive and hit some experts. I have tapped into some of the mom's I admire most of all and ask them for advice on how they keep their cool during the holidays. But, there is a catch! I couldn't just ask them that question on its own, for fear of boring blog content - ha! Instead I a crafted a quick survey to get their temperature check on how they enjoy this time of year.

Today I am featuring Bailey, founder and creative director of Biscuit Home and someone I can affectionately call my brand of Martha... Imagine Martha on uppers. Aside from running things at Biscuit, she does amazing interior design (work here) and often plays hostess at her beautiful homes in Houston and the Texas countryside. Truth be told, I live vicariously through her insta stories, pretending Iā€™m invited to her renovated pink doored farm house for a weekend dip in the pool, tacos & margs.

She used to write a blog that I would go to for design inspo and LOLS. Her writing definitely inspired this blog. So naturally, I was giddy when she humored me with this q&a. Meet your new internet crush, seriously: google her... and read on for how she handles the Holidaze.

1) Do you consider yourself and your kiddos more of the holiday sweaters or holiday jammies kind of fam? 

Cozy Christmas jammies family! 

2) Go-to activity to keep your kids busy during the long winter break? 

Cookie baking and decorating is always a hit, and we watch ALL the Christmas movies on repeat. 

3) Whats a BIG wish on your wish list? Don't say world peace... I mean something that if your partner saw this and they bought it for you it would be GAME OVER they win.

I have been sending some serious mixed signals about a pink coat I love for about two years. It is too expensive for me to admit I actually want it, so I just conspicuously admire it from time to time and then when Pete asks me if I want it I am all: "no!!! It's way too expensive! Don't be absurd."

But really, I want him to get it for me anyway so then I can be like, 'I would never buy something this fancy, but my husband just INSISTS on keeping me in diamonds and furs!" I really don't understand what is so hard to figure out about that.

bailey mccarthy holidays.png

4) Favorite gift to give?

It depends- for my girlfriends I like to give my most favorite discovery of the year- sometimes it is a skincare product, other times an accessory from a new line. For my husband I like to give him a small piece of art with meaning for the year. 

5) Go to drink of the season?

I need to reign it in because there is literally a shot of syrip in it buddy the Elf style- but a maple bourbon sour is my holiday bliss.

I am crossing my fingers you get that jacket girl! Also, to my readers, the jammies above are from Bailey's line Biscuit, I love love love. Need in my size.

See my first two features Jo and Jessi and stay tuned for two more mama's this week. xx ly

images via Bailey McCarthy's website and Pinterest